Monday, February 2, 2015

Playground, Interviews

The family made it through two nearly consecutive stints of mommy away for 4 days, then daddy away for 4 days. We're settling back into our routine, although next Monday Kurt drives down to Omaha for another interview. It's less than 7 hours each way so he won't be gone too long.

Kurt's interviews in Texas, Philly, and Delaware went great. 7 weeks til match day...

I'm doing a meditation challenge, following Real Happiness by Sharon Salzburg with an email support group. Every day I'm attempting to meditate for 20 minutes. Each week has a different theme; this week is concentration. I did it yesterday morning and today, and it feels like it's making a difference. To a calm household! As calm as it can be anyway :-)

Going to the playground on a nice warm day. Snowpants mostly for their water-retardency (is that a word?)

Leif has this sweet snowsuit the Paulson's lent us that lets him explore in the cold/dirt/a little bit of snow

Sledding not possible so trying to roll down

For some reason this is a) hilarious and b) sort of sad, at least it maybe is if I imagine Freya as a kid who reads about sledding in a book but doesn't have enough snow where she lives to sled ever, so she just tries to slide down the dead grass

She went from the top of the hill all the way to the snow like that, scooting on her butt

Found a ball to play soccer with. She was dribbling pretty well!

Classic Freya

We had a fun outing to Michael's Frozen Custard to celebrate Kurt getting back

They were intent on cleaning the snow off everything

They've been on a big kick of putting everything. EVERYTHING. Into plastic bags. 

Slightly creepy

My helper Signe, at it again

Who's that under the table??

Daddy teaching them anatomy. Their favorite part was the uterus.

So nice to have sisters who make awesome obstacle courses for you all the time