Sunday, July 14, 2013

July Fun

Well I think my new normal is doing a blog post a has just gotten too hectic to do it more. Plus, I mean, you do know what the girls look like at this point, right? ;-)

Below: pictures from our time at the cottage up north and various other fun times.

Here's how I know my girls have truly passed into the toddler stage. Clothes. Insisting on ridiculous ones. Yes, those years have started, especially for a certain Miss Freya Violet. And then with our always-monkey-see-monkey-do situation, well, I'm working on my restraint.

 Rainy day

 Freya tries it...

 No, not for me

 Signe had much fun with Nana and this box

 Cool present from Nana

 Kurt's masterpiece

 Invariable end

 The Night it Sounded Like a Good Idea to Pour Our Milk Into Our Plate and Dip Bread In It

 I can't remember who started it, but yes, monkey see once agian

 Swings with Papa and cousin Alanah at the cottage

 Freya thought the dog Titan was really interesting but also scary

 And cousins Erica and Imani have joined the fun

 Scrabble with aunt Diane and aunt Debbie. They need to start this young to have any hope of beating them one day.

 Sleepy Alanah and Imani

 Now a bunch of pictures of the girls getting comfortable with the water. This was almost bedtime, but we decided to let them play because they were liking it so much. Thus, they start out in regular diapers and eventually go full monty because their diapers have puffed up to their body weight.

 Alanah helps with some heavy buckets

 Freya insisting on drinking the not-for-drinking lake water

 A fish like mama

 Oh that hair

 The big tree in our backyard got cut down because it was in the power lines. Thus lots of fun trucks to watch in the backyard.

 And now they are re-doing the sidewalks out front, I mean, creating a super-fun pit for the girls to play in

 Fences are fun

 Daddy horsey rides are too

 Yup, looks like a perfect day for our winter hats

 They eat whole peaches in like 3 minutes. Daddy's girls certainly.

 Signe was throwing grass...


Daddy horsey ride part deux: Danger Ride. Two people on one back, no diapers under their swimsuits. It all turned out fine :-)