Thursday, September 18, 2014

Leif 5 Months: Almost Crawling

This Leif boy is on the move. He is sooo close to crawling. He's getting up on all fours, trying to push forward, even gets into plank position quite a bit. He ends up scooting backwards a lot, and turning around, so we'll find him across the room pretty quickly. He wants so badly to keep up with his sisters. He's weighing under his growth curve, and we think (hope) it's because he's such a mover. He was born at 78th percentile, he was around the 30th percentile at his 4 month appointment, and when I brought him in to get re-weighed a couple days ago he was in the 10th percentile. His height is still on the curve though and the doctor said that is also a sensitive measure of development. Should be talking to the doctor or nurse today to see what we should be doing. But he's such a happy, sleeping baby, I feel like he's definitely getting enough food and isn't sick...but can't stop a mama from worrying a little.

The girls are doing great. They are becoming so independent. They get up and have their own breakfast now, they help with so many things, they can and do both go potty on their own on the big potty. They're almost totally out of diapers and doing great going potty when we're out and about. Our last frontier is overnight. Sometimes they have totally dry diapers when they wake up so I think we're close on that. Freya has inherited my large bladder while Signe has the slightly smaller Haag bladder.

I'm doing this Abundant Mama class online for 4 weeks; I'm in the first week. It has been really helping me and thus the whole family. It's amazing how much Mama sets the tone for the whole family and whole day. It's a lot of pressure but a lot of opportunity I suppose. This week is focused on gratitude. While I put the girls down to nap we talk about what we are grateful for, and the girls, especially Signe, love it. I need to write down some of the things she says because they are so wonderful. Yesterday she was grateful for every member of our family, listing us all, among other things I can't remember now.

Kurt is going to a conference in Las Vegas next week to present a poster of his research. Just Tuesday to Thursday so not a crazy long time. And I work Wednesday and Diana is coming to watch the kids so I'll get a break. I think I'll survive ;-)

 The splash pad I've mentioned. This is the one picture Kurt managed to get (1 adult, two toddlers and a baby at a splash pad, it's sort of a miracle he got even one). Freya tripped and fell and had a big owie seconds after this photo...


 Note the ninja in the background

 Sharing her stick treasures

 Pretending their sticks are trains."Choo choo"

 Working on her selfie. Gotta get in focus girl

 Freya the gymnast. She did land the flip just after this, and I did capture it, however she is fully nude so...

 Investigating acorns on a hike at Governor Nelson with Nana and Papa

 Adventuring Freya as usual

 With Nana and Marshall, Nana and Papa's dog

 We gave him a little bang trim

 We love our new outfits Aunt Kris!

 Hey where's the baby?? I put him on the blanket with all his toys...

 Big girl swings after a picnic at my old haunt, Yahara Park

 First day of fall weather