Sunday, June 23, 2013

June Fun

Love my job, love my girls, love my life, but it's busy busy, we're off to our next fun time so just have to put some pictures up here without a real post. Enjoy :-)

 Slightly better braid


 Playdough is a big hit now

 Bathtime has been difficult, to say the least

 Ella's Deli carosel

 Helping me wash the window. Nice when you use vinegar/water to clean everything, it even works on little girls ;-)

 Having fun in cool new summer pjs from Cathy - thanks Cathy!

 We didn't have milk one morning. Signe was not happy with dry cereal. It all went in the water cup, then all came back out into the bowl, then all got eaten. She's a problem-solver anyway.

 Blues picnic at Warner

 Little ducks in a row

 Freya being Miss Independent


Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Year and a Half!

18 months old! Signe and Freya are truly little toddlers now. Running, climbing, tantrums, "do it myself", wanting to help with everything. So much fun. One of my favorite recent things: they both in the past couple weeks have suddenly wanted to hold our hands and walk. It's so cute! Sometimes when someone is protesting doing something, let's say going to their bedroom to get a diaper change, I'll ask if she wants to hold my hand and walk there, and she'll go. Plus, it makes life a little easier at times: for instance when I went to indoor playground with them, I was able to walk with them through the parking lot and to the gym instead of wearing them in the Ergos. Significantly slower but they're more in control and thus happier.

Love my little sweeties so.

 Coloring and looking out the window. Love our table/benches from Grandpa and Pat - they're perfect!

 Putting money in the piggy banks

 We got them a rocking horse for their 18 month birthday. We should have gotten's quite controversial. Everyone wants to ride at the same time.

 Newspapers are fun

 Oh look now we can both read

 Mama's terrible braiding

 Feeding other people is one of Signe's favorite things to do

 At Cows on the Councourse. Just woken up from a short car nap so Signe has grumpy face

 Cows! They both got to touch a cow eventually but by that time this camerawoman was taking a load off

 Getting "upped" by Papa