Tuesday, January 31, 2012

9 Weeks

Quick news and no pics because I just posted. More next week I promise!

Firsts: poor Signe has her first cold :-( She's just congested mostly, but still sad to see. Not sure if Freya got it and it was just milder (she's been just a teeny bit congested), or if it's yet to come.

And I used my pastry cutter for the first time this morning for many many months. I made a yummy raspberry-apple coffee cake. Also I made plans for a cranberry pecan frangipane tart. I'll make it in it's component parts over the next 4 weeks. Our Bradley class reunion is going to be legend, wait for it, dary. Ok maybe we've been watching a little bit too much How I Met Your Mother at night...

Friday, January 27, 2012

2 Months!

The girls are two months old on Sunday, and they are just growing like little weeds. That we love. Like dandelions, to non-homeowners.

Their two-month doctor's appointment went well: perfectly healthy and BIG. In fact, Signe grew so well that she passed Freya in weight! She is 10 lbs 3 oz and Freya is 10 lbs 2.5 oz. Still Freya's head is bigger, by a centimeter. All their measurements jumped up in percentiles, from the 1-5% range up to the 25-50% range. Yes!

The hard part of course were the immunizations. They got three shots and an oral vaccine, with 5 total immunizations. I cried, definitely. But they just had maybe a little fever that night, and were picky about which positions they wanted to be in. Not inconsolable by any means - just couldn't move them once we found the right way to hold them. Much better than it could have been!

We joined the YMCA this week and it's just great. Their child care is wonderful, with nice, competent people (who love to cuddle babies). And being able to work out without worrying about the girls is so nice for me and Kurt. A little me time for each of us. Once the girls are a bit older there are so many great programs. I'm especially excited to start them swimming, which we can do at 6 months.

Related to the YMCA, I'm still really wanting to train for the sprint triathlon June 10, and now I'm thinking about adding the Madison Mini-Marathon (half-marathon) August 18. Might be a bit too ambitious, I haven't decided. But I'd just love to do them both. We'll see.

And last bit of news, we went on our first date this week! We went to La Brioche for their Restaurant Week menu. The food was great and spending a bit of time just the two of us was really great, and a little disorienting even. What, we don't need to be paying attention to the girls?? Papa Jack and Nona Carol were so nice and did a great job babysitting. The girls took bottles from them, thanks for being so helpful you little babies!

Ok, picture time. There are so many good ones this week, I just couldn't narrow it down much. But people I've talked to about the blog don't seem to think there's such a thing as too many pictures :-)

Relaxing after tummy time

Practicing standing with Daddy

(Nearly) matching outfits. 

Had to post both pictures because so many great expressions!

Signe's close-up. Smiley girl!

And Freya thinking it through

Moby wrap, sooo comfy

And Freya a little hesitant about the Moby but still enjoying it

Attempt at a family Moby picture. I like how Freya is looking skeptically at Mommy's ridiculous expression

A peek at their sleeping arrangement. Little cute beans in their Miracle Blankets. 

Signe falling asleep during tummy time (she likes being on her tummy unlike Freya) and Lily keeping watch at a distance

Freya in the process of spitting out her paci

Date night!

Papa Jack trying to contain Freya's super-strong legs

Nona Carol giving Signe a bottle. Such an intent eater that one.

Family date night picture

Flying Freya (I meant to fix my hair better but...yeah)

Freya being comforted by daddy after her shots (she's on her back, it's a little hard to tell)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

7 Weeks

Another good week! We went to the Haag family Christmas on Saturday and had a GREAT time. Babies got to be cuddled constantly. Someone was holding just one baby at a time at all times. It was just great. And they had SUCH a nice night of sleep afterwards. Sometimes it's hard knowing they don't get usually get cuddled individually as much as a singleton baby, so it's good to have these times when we can.

Also, I got to play Just Dance on the Wii. AHHH it was SO FUN. A super nice release. I was just telling Kurt I couldn't wait until the next wedding so I could go all out dancing. (Can't wait for yours if you're reading Seth and Laura :-)) And Kurt got to talk video games, play pool, and watch you tube videos. It was the most time I've been able to be on my own since the babies were born, outside of sleeping. It was just perfect, because the whole time I knew they were being doted on by the aunties and uncles upstairs. Can we have an extended family get-together every week, please??

Kurt saw the beginnings of a crawl from Freya when he was doing tummy time with them! An arm and leg moved and she scooted a bit! Exciting from a developmental standpoint, a little scary from an "I'm not ready to chase after two moving children quite yet" standpoint.

Thank you thank you to the people who continue to supply us with food, chore help, baby cuddling, and adult conversation. You are the best.

Ok, picture time!

First sighting of a hand-hold. Awwwww (and first hair pull...probably not the last)

Danny, Marie, and Hennie came to visit - here's some nice daddy daughter time

Nice belly there Freya

More Aunt Kerry time! She makes our Friday nights great

Touchdown...too bad it didn't help the Packers :-(

The girls love their baths. Here's Signe, happy but a bit startled.

And Freya being ridiculously adorable.

The lovely chaos at Haag Christmas. So fun to have lots of aunties to cuddle babies and cousins (technically second cousins but who's counting) to play with eventually.

Tummy time - look at those strong girls!

Goooo Freya!

A double cuddle by mommy. These don't ever last too long before someone gets grumpy.

Cuddling sleep sheep and sister

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

6 Weeks

Six good things this week in celebration of the girls' six week birthday:

6. The weather has continued to be ridiculously warm. While I know a lot of people really are missing snow, this little family is pretty thankful we're able to get out - snow and sub 20 temps and we'd be stuck inside.

5. On a related note, I got to jog today!!! Granted it was a minute and a half total during an hour long walk. BUT it's the first time I've jogged since LAST MAY. That's got to be the longest I've ever gone without jogging/running since, like, I learned to do so. I'm hoping to do the Capitol View Sprint Triathlon (400m swim, 10 mi bike, 5k run) in June...so that's a big motivation and very exciting!

4. On a further related note, the girls may have been exposed to the sun for the very first time today during our walk. No, we won't be exposing them to much more, we know we know. But they've got to feel the sun sometimes!

3. The three of us are falling into a routine that is working better and better every day. I'm getting to know what they need, they're becoming more predictable and regular. And I'm becoming accustomed to the lack of sleep. As they say, a mom of twins will never take a full nights' sleep for granted for the rest of her life. I hope one day to attest to that. Maybe in 2013?

2. Last week they got to meet their Haag great grandparents and have a nice long visit with Papa Jack and Nona Carol. They got to meet more family and we got more help and food this weekend, thanks so much Kelly, Cathy, Mike, Diane, Rob, and Erica!

1. As always, they're such wonderful blessings, even at the most difficult times, and we're so happy Freya and Signe are in our lives!

 Freya, Signe

Daddy trying out Mommy's pillow/near-constant body extension

My little scoop of sorbet (Signe)

January, what!

A bit o sun (Signe closest)

Bigger every week! (Freya on right)


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

5 Weeks

Happy New Year! Ours involved me waking up in time for Mountain Time midnight and drinking sparkling juice. The girls are really starting to smile at people and in response to smiles - it's the best. Signe has made a coo or two - they'll both be cooing a lot soon, yay!

Today is my first day home all alone with the girls while Kurt works. I'm feeling positive but a little scared. I guess that the girls are letting me do this post means I'm doing ok :-)

Thanks again to all who've helped us and continued to help us. I feel like I'll never ever be able to reciprocate. At least we'll try to pay it forward when we can.

One thing I have learned: as uncomfortable as pregnancy can be, sticking it out as long as possible is SO worth it. These girls are so different, and frankly easier, than 3, 4, 5 weeks ago - if they came at their due date they'd only be a week and a half old. So, pep talk to any pregnant ladies out there, and their long-suffering partners.


Tummy time - so strong Freya!

Signe, Freya

Fun times in daddy's lap (Signe, Freya)

Signe reacting to daddy!

More tummy time (Signe, Freya)

Tummy time for Signe - working hard

A couple of goofballs

Awww mom, jeez