Monday, December 16, 2013

Little Brother at 22.5 Weeks

Baby brother is doing great. He's loving the room once occupied by two - tons of kicks and flips, and I'm measuring 27 weeks at 22.5 weeks gestation. So basically 3rd trimester now. I feel really huge but not nearly as bad as I did with the girls. Some little issues here and there but for a mom of twin 2 years olds with a tummy in the 3rd trimester I really can't complain.

The girls have been kissing and hugging their baby brother. Not sure how much they understand but even if they don't really get it, it's very cute. Oh also, they have decided his name should be Pooh, Winnie-the. Can you tell what we've been watching a lot? Over and over? And over? And over? (It's way better than so many other movies/shows kids could be into so I count myself lucky)

Signe is doing a funny thing where she'll call herself Siggo, then there's Mommo, Daddo, Freyo, etc. Silly girl. Freya copies her sometimes too. They think it's hilarious. And it is :-)

 Helping me bake. She is very careful

 Then Freya gets into the mix and it gets a little crazy...

 Feeding baby

 They are copying Daddy's daily pushups

 Freya's turn


 Back to Signe's turn

 21 weeks

Morning reading/snuggles

 Getting to do footbath after Daddy (necessary after bus ride home in negative degree windchill weather)

 They're starting to request me take their picture. Signe stood on this bridge and said "ta piture ta piture"

 They love the Happy Light in the morning. In fact usually Signe reminds me to get it out before I remember. 

 This is high fashion

 22 weeks

Helping me bake something else. I don't even need to do hardly anything when I bake anymore ;-) But really, look at Signe properly leveling the flour after spooning it in!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Birthday, Gymnastics, a Bit More Thanksgiving

Pictures from their birthday, second Thanksgiving, and mostly just hanging around. We had their 2 year doctor appointment yesterday, all good, Signe all around 50th percentile, Freya around 40th. Only thing was when doc was doing routine inspection of Freya's ears, she said she had a low grade ear infection! She's never had one before, neither girl has, and there were absolutely no signs. She had a bit of trouble getting to sleep the night before, and woke up maybe half an hour early, but she wasn't pulling at her ears or fussy. We got her on antibiotics anyway since there was the infection there and doc thought maybe it was just beginning. In which case, how convenient for that to be the day we're already at the doctor/pharmacy!

 Breakfast cuddles 

 Daddy was taking a nap so they covered him in their sleepy accessories to help 

 First time at gymnastics open gym. They loved it!

 Freya liked hanging

And falling

Signe throwing the climbing rope around

Balance beam with a bee dolly she found and of course wouldn't let go of



Dressed up for Thanksgiving

Posing with her babies in potties

Metal face

I want ALL the hair ties

Signe and daddy playing with the new birthday train set

Playing with her new cleaning supplies and big dolly. Big dollies were gifts from Aunt Kris and Uncle John, made by my grandma (Kris' mom) in 1984 as cabbage patch kid type dolls. The girls really love them!

Happy to see Aunt Kerry at their birthday party!

Opening their presents from Nana
Cool headbands! Signe likes them, Freya thought it was "too tight" the first time and even now as she sees this picture is repeating "too tight" "too tight". 

Signe and Nana with similar expressions, Freya admiring her new Dora socks

Pretending to sleep at Nana and Papa's after second Thanksgiving

Three wise men (well we have six, very wise household) finger puppets

Just a girl peeling an orange while wearing snow boots and Dora undies

Very intent on the trains. Must have hair out of face/sweat caught

Putting quarters in her piggy bank. Nana and Papa and Aunt Lara/Uncle Pablo independently had the idea to give them each a roll of quarters to put in their banks. They loved it and we're not done yet!