Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Leif 14 Weeks; Children's Museum

The day before Kurt's 30th birthday, on July 25, Kurt saw Leif roll from his back to his tummy! He said Leif actually got there without him seeing once, Kurt just found him snurffling into the carpet on his tummy. He rolled him over and then Leif rolled again. Big boy!

I have a couple pictures from the Children's Museum. It's not new that we went, we go most weeks, but this time I felt confident enough to actually bring the camera and take a few pictures. Are the girls, at 2 years and 8 months, finally getting out of the terrible twos that started at 18 months? Listening (mostly), helping (mostly), no tantrums. And they didn't wear diapers and had no accidents (it helps at the children's museum that they have toddler-sized toilets that are very exciting to use).

 Friends in her ergo, skirt over a swimsuit, carrying a hanger (that white flash). That spells Freya

 He really found his hands in the past week. Likes to look at them, just hold them, and chew on them

 Uh oh, daddy's little cylon

 Close up of the ergo

 Working hard. Looks so much like Signe when she did this

 Just a little past exersaucer age

 Papa Jack and Leif

 Signe's first selfie

 Don't mind us, just napping on the top of the couch

 Ready for a trip to the children's museum. Friends in regulation baggie, check

 Playing "schootch game". Freya pulled her all around the house. Had to stop them when she was about to pull her down the stairs.

 Painting at the children's museum

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Leif 3 months; Job; Kerry

I know, I haven't posted for a month. It's been a crazy one:

1. I have a job! I trained to be a part time teller at UW Credit Union all last week and part of this week, and my first shift is tomorrow. Kurt stayed home with the kids and did a great job. I'm looking forward to this job and to staying with the credit union for awhile if not my whole career. It is just a perfect fit for me. I'm pretty happy :-)

2. Aunt Kerry came to visit from CA! It was really fun and of course too short. 


 A Freya original. They will be sprinkled throughout this series of photos. Both cups were filled with water.

 Little Pooh overalls from Aunt Diane :-)

 Rare matching outfit

 Yup, Freya

 Nana helping out

 Washing clothes/selves after painting

 Why, what's supposed to go in it?

 Yes, Freya making sure Snoopy doesn't run away

 His normal reaction to Signe's attention

 To be fair, also this

You guessed it

 Picking raspberries

 Oh yeah

 A castle for Leif

 Signe's hair brushed out

Big boy!
 Kerry's and Leif's first meeting!

 He loved her singing/whistling

 He's loving that peacock recently