Saturday, August 30, 2014

Leif 19 Weeks; End of Summer

Things are good, Leif is a big healthy boy. Pictures!

 I did NOT set this up

Wait a sec, is that how an exersaucer works?

Portrait of Leif by Signe


Drawing eyes and mouth on her octopus

That's why they call it Happy Baby pose in yoga

He's a'movin

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Leif 16 Weeks; Summer Adventures

We are all getting into the swing of my new job at UWCU. We had a new plan on Wednesday and are trying it again today - I get myself and the kids ready, and Kurt meets us in Middleton at the credit union. Then he takes them and picks me up when I'm done (my shift is 3:15 to 6:15). Wednesday and again today they're doing Lakeview park in Middleton on Allen - it's got a splash pad and two neat playgrounds, with some of it donated by American Girl. On Wednesday there was a safety thing, you know where they have police horses and amulances and etc for kids to explore. There were even two helicopters parked there. The girls loved touching the horses. It's a good plan but tiring for all of us. Which is good for the kids but not so much me and Kurt ;-) In the future he might just bring them home and pick me up again.

Leif is a rolling demon. You put him on his back on the floor and pretty much always he immediately rolls to his tummy. He has rolled back to his back a few times too. The poor guy gets so frustrated on his tummy. It seems like he's frustrated that he can't crawl and get to things yet. Soon enough Mister! He has had some trouble getting to sleep too, because he'll roll onto his tummy but doesn't sleep that way. I've learned to stick him against the right side of the crib because he tends to roll that way, and the side (with a safety vent - it's a pack and play now) stops him.

The girls have gotten into Carebears on Netflix. Really into. They run around calling me Share (after Sharebear). I hear Cher of course which is pretty funny. They then insist I call them by their proper names - Cheer for Signe and Grumpy for Freya. Leif is Wonderheart and Daddy is Funshine.

Here we go with pictures of my little carebears:

 Signe's monster is named Pa; Freya's is Moxis

 Oh look what they got a picture of (it's the care bear show...)

 Signe working on her selfie

 Mark and Laura tiring the girls out. They played "chase Mark". If anyone else wants to play Chase ____...let us know anytime ;-)

 Leif is so much like his daddy

 Mark brought an old computer over for Kurt. Kurt showed the girls the inside. Freya said "it's SO beautiful"

 We call him old counter-clockwise turning Leify

 Signe wishing there were puddles to stomp in. Sadly it was just sprinkles.

 How does that go, shriek piercingly and examine a large stick?

 I had NO idea she was taking this. As is clear by my response near the end of the video - classic Mom, repeating whatever the kid said without really paying attention :-/