Thursday, June 28, 2012

7 Months Old

Every month, EVERY month, I'm amazed that they're a month older. Every time - ah they're so old, I can't believe they're so old, it's gone so fast, I thought it would never get here.

Signe's most recent milestone - two days ago she figured out how to get from crawl/tummy position to sitting. And she does it in the crib. We come in and she's just sitting up cute as can be. It is hilarious and ridiculously cute. But we're getting to the point of needing to smother our laughs at things like that so that she doesn't do it all the time for attention. Goodness is it cute though.

Last weekend we went to Seth and Laura's wedding (the girls' godparents and our friends). It was lovely. We left the girls with Kurt's parents overnight and they tell us it went well! They had to go home and take a two hour nap the morning after. Twins never stop for long :-)

This weekend we are going to Heidi and Adam's wedding reception. We got to have dinner with them and they got to meet the girls. It was good fun, and they brought the girls books which we of course welcome with open arms here.

I've been at home all this week because the babysitter is on vacation. It's a good trial run for what might be a permanent situation! Yes, I might stay at home for good in the fall. I'm really excited for it, if it works out. I never thought I'd want to stay home but babies change everything. Kind of opposite what other parents might do - start working a month after having the babies then stop to stay home with them at 9 months :-) Ah everything we do around here is by the seat of our pants.

P.S. If there is anyone out there reading in the Austin area, my awesome cousin started a neat website for finding kids' activities and services:

Playing - good peek at their personalities

Signe trying to suffocate Heidi

Signe has been doing this weird funny mouth thing. This kind of captures it. 

This is how I find her when she's awake :-)

Ladle is popular

Model pose

Monday, June 25, 2012

Meg, Children's Museum, and First Dog

This past week we were so happy to be able to hang out with honorary Aunt Meg. It was such a treat! She took us to the new Children's Museum which is AMAZING, went on a stroll, and just got to know the girls. After the babies went down for bed we had an Indian feast (with beer!) and the next morning we had a lovely breakfast (sans babies) at Lazy Jane's and then pastries and coffee on the Memorial Terrace with perfect weather. It was about the most relaxing and rejuvenating thing that's happened to me in awhile. Thanks for an amazing time Meg! If only she didn't live so far away in NYC :-(

We had a couple extremely hot days last week and looks like we'll get some more this week. Luckily we got an air conditioner for the girls' room. But still I like to go find other places I can go with the girls that are air conditioned because we basically have one room to play in when the AC is on, and can't go on walks, so I start going a little stir crazy. We visited Kurt's work last week to take advantage of the AC for a bit, and then went over to visit Rebecca and Charlie and Juno (see video below). I might try the library this week, although I'm a little leery - easy enough with one baby (I hear) but with two I'm afraid one will be crying and disruptive and I won't be able to leave quick enough. But hey, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Signe meets Juno (her first encounter with a dog) and likes her!

Freya playing with Krista's balloon at Radiation Protection

Baby train

Meg showing Freya her lovely present

Meg thought the paci made her look like Maggie Simpson - I see it

Signe REALLY wanted to eat the rope. And everything. We didn't think that was such a good idea

Freya in a wash bucket

Babies in buckets!

Signe in the water room. Freya didn't like it as much. But was still willing to try

Cool sound-blocking reading nooks

Riding the bull

Looking at fishies

And Mommy gets excited for the super sweet play structure

Hands and knees. She is so close to crawling. So close.

Meg got them the cutest little swim caps. Can't wait to go swimming again and show them off!

Library Mall fountain

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Visits and Almost-Crawling

This past week was pretty busy. Yes, like all our weeks. The girls met Uncle Will, their only actual uncle, for the first time! We also got to see Cousin Dan, Great-grandma and Great-grandpa Welch and the rest of the family, and we hung out for the weekend at Nana and Papa's house. It's been pretty hot these last few days so AC was a must. The central air at Nana and Papa's was great, and now we have a small window air conditioner in the nursery so the girls are happy. They sure sleep a lot better when they're not too hot.

The girls are still teething. It feels like forever and still nothing popping through. I talked to our doctor's nurse who wasn't concerned. So, we'll just continue waiting and having our fingers gnawed upon.

But they are so close to crawling! Both of them are up on their hands and knees sometimes, and they are pushing and trying so hard. Signe is a little closer I think - she can move forward gradually, especially when there is a cool toy to be had, or something to grab. Freya is more apt to move backwards. Guess her arms are stronger than her legs!


Pillow fort

Freya with Great-Grandma. She was telling us about the outfits she had to put Aunt Kris in because there were no other options - had to iron the whole thing, iron the little puffed sleeves. Oy.

Signe and Grandpa Jim in matching Hawaiian garb. And Uncle Will and Uncle Dan in the background!

Silly diaper baby

Using the carpet to pull herself

Sisters are funny. And you can see Freya's typical ramrod straight posture.

Pirate Freya

On her way to crawling

Caught Signe on her hands and knees!

Using the sippy cup

Playing with breakfast. I have no idea what the parenting books recommend on letting babies play with their food but I sure enjoy letting them do it while I get to eat my breakfast and drink my coffee

A series of pictures of Freya in Papa's rocking recliner, rocking herself

Chilling with Mama

Blue eyes

They're both fascinated by the cats now. We're trying to teach them to be gentle. 

Freya scooting backwards (I think she started sitting with the Boppy behind her)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Have shared this in other venues but in case I didn't hit anyone - this is definitely the cutest movie of the girls yet.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sitting, Standing, and Beaching

The girls are sitting by themselves so well! A few faceplants here and there but we're learning how to strategically place pillows to mostly cushion the blows. We're working on standing as well. Our babysitter made the relieving point that when they do learn how to crawl or walk, while it will be a crazy chasing game, at least they will tire themselves out and hopefully take nice long naps.

Our big adventure for Saturday - we went to Tenney Beach with Nana and Papa! Good times with the breeze and water on a very hot day. Signe liked the water, Freya wasn't so sure. It may have been the waves, or the coldness, or the rocks on the bottom, because she did seem to like it when we went to the hotel pool.

Short post, long picture section:

The Archer 

Tickle tickle


More peas

They love grabbing mouths and noses and glasses if you let them

Seriously mom, enough with the pictures

Almost hands and knees, ready to take off!

Liable to crumple at any second but still doing it!

Daddy trying to convince Freya the water is fun, Signe splashing around with Papa

More splashing from Signe

Freya telling Daddy, nah, not now