Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Baby Pool Winners

Well I asked a whole bunch of things on the baby pool form, so I'll award two winners. And they just happen to be related!

Cathy Perry got the birthdate just right, 11/29, guessing between 8am and 4pm (it was 5:29am and 5:30am).

And Kelly Nigl got the other stats closest: she guessed Twin A (Freya) would be 6 lb 2 oz and 18" (right on) and Twin B (Signe) would be 5 lb 8 oz, 17" (7 oz, 1 inch low). She thought both would have full heads of hair, Freya dark brown and Signe blonde. Very close!

Aaaand no, I still haven't thought of a prize...if you ladies have a suggestion I'm all ears :-)

4 weeks!

Wow, we survived four weeks of twin newborns! With the help of so many amazingly kind people, we even haven't gone crazy with sleep deprivation. The girls are happy and healthy and growing like crazy. Kurt and I keep learning more and more about our daughters - who they are, what they like, etc. They really do seem to change every day.

We had a lovely if slightly chaotic Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We traveled to Watertown for Christmas Eve - their longest trip yet, 45 minutes! The girls got to meet Great Grandma Welch and see the rest of family again. Then on Christmas Day we went over to Papa Jack and Grandma Carol's house and had a nice relaxing day (relaxing in comparison because so many people could help cuddle them :-))

Lots o pictures, and a video:

Freya Nov 29

Freya Dec 27

Signe Nov 29

Signe Dec 27

Freya left, Signe right

4 weeks post-partum, in theory they were only due 4 days ago (!)


Aunt Kerry, Signe, Freya

Sleepy time - Signe in foreground, all-important Sleep Sheep between them

Great Grandma Welch and Signe

Great Grandpa Welch and Freya

Four generations

Four generations of Welch ladies

Freya and first Christmas presents

Aunt Kris and Signe

Freya in the sun

Grandma and arching babies 

More first Christmas presents

Cozy Christmas times

A little video while we're cuddling on the couch

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Nearly Three Weeks

Big achievements this week: both girls have improved their nursing skillz; Kurt went to work for a day and a half plus some work at home and we survived; and we made our first big excursion out of town, to Lake Mills for the Pedersen Christmas - on the girls' first snow day! They got to meet lots and lots of family, and they did really well for a good hour and a half. We're proud of them :-)

Pictures from their third week:

Aunt Kerry and the babies 

Rare internet-postable moment for the babies and Mommy

Sleepy time


Signe asking what up

Freya answering, just chilling

Christmas outfits! Freya on left, Signe right

Papa Jack with Signe

Jack, Ellyn, Signe, Freya
First family picture! Kurt has Freya, I have Signe

Grandma Carol with Signe, Papa Jack with Freya

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Nearly Two Weeks

More pictures! We're developing a little bit of a routine, as far as a routine can happen with two teeny little babies. Thank you thank you to the lovely people who have helped us thus far - food, chores, moral support...we appreciate it more than words can say.

Pictures from our second week as a family:

Assembly line diaper/clothes change (top Signe, bottom Freya)

Signe (left) is not so good at staying upright in a Boppy

Ready for a walk! (left Freya, right Signe)

(Left Freya, right Signe)

(left Signe, right Freya)


Signe with Daddy after a run (Mommy counting down the weeks? til she can run too)

The girls' second walk!

Signe in blue, Freya in pink

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One Week Birthday!

Hopefully all you blog readers know that the babies came last Tuesday, 11/29. It's been an amazing week. We've completely fallen in love and are having a great time getting to know the girls!

My ability to update the blog has been compromised, obviously. Will try to get on here as much as possible and keep people up to date.

Some good pictures of the past week:

 First meeting!


Celebration dinner at the hospital

Breaking free from their swaddles to cuddle

Freya on her one week birthday, with cute present from Aunt Kerry

So small in their car seats!

First walk

I love walking! We made it the block to the river on our 1 week birthday celebration walk

Birthday outfits!