Thursday, March 29, 2012

4 Months Old!

Truckin along. Don't have much time now to blog - crazy couple weeks for my work. But I do have pictures, boy do I!

Freya having fun with Aunt Kerry

More fun with Aunt Kerry

Even more that Aunt Kerry is awesome

Signe figured out how to play with the rattle this week. And apparently also a rude gesture.

Here she is inspecting its integrity. Structural engineer?

Signe: Brewers fan, ready for sun

And Freya

Sharing a fun link chain Daddy made

Freya's a scooter alright - got here all by herself from sitting up in the boppy

Sister footsie/hand coordination play time

We got to visit Marie and Danny and Hennie on the farm again! Another couch picture to compare against the last one. 

Hennie looooves "playing" with the babies. Don't worry, no one was hurt. Other than Hennie's feelings when occasionally she had to be corralled from her loving embraces

Oh Hennie is fascinating huh girls?

Another shot of them looking at Hennie

Pretty ladies

Signe had a bit of a rough time on our walk because it was really windy and sunny. Danny cuddled her until she feel asleep then held her until she woke up, probably close to an hour. Thanks Danny!

Family + Signe picture (there were threats of stealing little Miss Signe)

Hennie reading

Monday, March 19, 2012

16 Weeks Old

Whirlwind week here. Fun news: the girls are starting to have conversations! Very very rudimentary ones, but still, it's really the cutest thing ever. They've had probably about 4 now. I have one either laying on my giant nursing pillow or sitting in the bouncy chair, and the other I hold up in a sitting position facing her sister. Signe is usually the more talkative one. But they both do similar things - coo, flail around with their arms and legs, and sometimes smile. And then usually a 5 to 10 second pause, and the other will do the same. Sometimes Signe will do that a couple times, but Freya will eventually follow her lead. And that will go on for a good 5 or 10 minutes, with them making eye contact the whole time. So fun!

And the other big thing this week - they were baptized. It was a lovely service and we all enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Not to mention the amazing weather. Freya wore the dress my Aunt Kris had made from her wedding dress, and Signe wore the dress Papa Jack's great-grandmother was baptized in, in 1898. Pretty neat. We did get a video of it thanks to my grandma's very generous gift of a camcorder. Watch out for me getting a little video happy on here soon, if I can figure out iMovie.

This is another picture-heavy week. I just couldn't whittle it down further. Hope you don't mind :-)

The family and the godparents Cynthia and Seth and Laura

Being shown off to the congregation

I got the octopus!

Freya shows she can have crazy eyes too

Sister cuddles/wrestling

Aw a bunch of cuties

The cake I made for their baptism

I posted a couple pics in their St Patty's Day outfits on Facebook - just had to post a few more because they were so cute

Back from walk - had to unbutton them because it was so dang hot out

So spring-y

Got the peacock!

Just tried this move out with the boppy after Ingrid told me about it

Talking a bit - but the spit up was getting ridiculous so we had to stop

Strong Freya!

This is Freya kicking the ball around - future soccer player??

Monday, March 12, 2012

15 Weeks Old

The girls are starting to look at each other more and more. One will look over at the other, the other will later look over and smile. And actually I think I just may have caught them smiling at each other for a brief second! Kind of hard to figure out where exactly they are looking when they're not looking in your eyes. But let's count it, because, fun!

We just hired a babysitter and she is working out great. The babies are so happy with her, and I am able to work more.

And we just found out the girls are going to be gaining a boy "cousin" (child of Leah, Kurt's cousin) this summer. First boy on that side of the family, this generation. Congrats Wilsons!


One of Signe's favorite ways to nap

She sure can be a crazy baby

Tired Signe

Kurt really wanted me to post a sad Signe picture. 

Aw nice playtime with daddy

And the inevitable result

Thinking hard about what to play

Great-grandma Welch and Freya

Great-grandpa Welch and Signe

Pretty girls aaaallllmost holding hands

There it kinda almost is

Cousin Dan's terrifying book. He told me not to let the girls read it until at least age 4, I guess Freya jumped the gun.

Sister cuddles

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

14 Weeks

When titling this post it auto-filled to 14 Weeks - June 26. Wow, eight and a half months ago I was 14 weeks pregnant with these girls, and now they're 14 weeks old. I guess that's generally how it works...still amazing though :-)

Not too much to report. I'm working more, the three women in the family are finally over being sick (Kurt is hopefully on the upswing), and the girls are cute as can be. Freya is interacting more and more, and they're both sleeping great. Not too much to complain about at the Pedersen Playtime Palace (used to be Pedersen Party stages in life demand new labels).

Picture time!

Baby's first game of Dominion

Somehow Freya ended up in each of these pictures...I swear we weren't excluding Signe from the game :-)

Relaxing in my recliner after a long day of milk, playtime, and naps