Monday, April 22, 2013

A Bit More Catching Up

Photos finally downloaded from my phone from the beginning of the year to now.

Signe and Daddy 14 months

So that's why Daddy is under the crib

Sweet nap, 15 months

Vacuum ride with Nana, 16 months

Easter present from Pat: pom-poms (attempting to brainwash the girls into cheering :-))


At the back playground at the nearby school

A girl and her rock friend

She loved that giant heavy rock and carried it around almost the whole time we were there

Freya looks awkward but she loved it

Cool girls

Filling up her bucket with leaves. Yes, I have now raked these up and procured a sand box

Just hanging out in a sea of cheerios

Babies' first cake-batter-licking-off

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

15 Month Growth, Professor Babies, and Pot Delivery Service

We finally had our 15 month well-child check, 1.5 months after they turned 15 months. Everything is wonderful as usual.

31.5", 61st percentile
22lbs, 51st percentile

32.5", 86th percentile
22.7lbs, 60th percentile

Professor Baby

Professor Baby, The Professoring

Freya in her many self-requested layers

Vacuum fun. Seriously they love the vacuum, everything about it. Should prompt me to vacuum everyday. Nope.

Just sisters in sleds

Hanging out in the linen closet

The one day I got a really pretty braid in Signe's hair. Only one side though. Nice that I happened to capture that side.

Yes we're planning on buying another car at the Mothers of Multiple Resale, April 20, Keva Soccer Center, mark your calendars ;-)

Clipping the seatbelts as always

Building a lego tower (in two pairs of pjs OVER her normal clothes)

Flashbacks to a year and more ago, just hanging on blankets. They were laying around because I was giving them rides on the blanket around the house.

It tired them out

Clipping her friends in for safety

Fun times with the pot and pan drawer. Signe brought everything in the pot drawer out to Daddy and Freya.

Getting the last remaining one (I took the cast iron pan out when she was delivering this one)

Where's that last pan? (It's too heavy for you Mommy gets a chance to clean inside the drawer for once)


They were having fun but also having some Signe on Freya hair pulling incidents

Novel use of the step stools


Signe had lots of fun with it. And most of the fun didn't involve eating the dirt. We're also planning on getting a sand/water table at the resale if the price is right/we can find one.