Friday, July 27, 2012

8 Months Old

They're 8 months old on Sunday! Freya is crawling now too - kind of army crawling but she gets around pretty well. Lots of exploring and going after the cats. We celebrated Kurt's birthday yesterday with pizza, and this weekend we'll go to the Dark Knight. Otherwise - busy as usual, and will be tuned into the Olympics as much as possible. Happy two-thirds birthday girls!

Arch arch arch

Signe bothering Charlie

Peeking out from under the chair

And popping out

Such strong legs, just stands and stands

Our first trip to Hyvee - fun and successful!


Daddy gave them empties...and they loved them

Looking at books together

Signe in a box

Back from exploring the hallway

Under the chair, again

Daddy's return from work is always very exciting

Touching a deer head. She's obviously pretty excited

The family after Grandma's funeral

Camo baby

Brushing Ray?
The bottom of the exersaucer has been getting more use than the seat


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Great-Grandma Welch

The girls' great-grandma, Maxine Welch, passed away at age 89 last Friday. She was a lovely person. I am so thankful that she was able to meet Signe and Freya, hold them lots, and get to know them. They'll grow up with stories of her and they'll have pictures to look back on and know she loved them. I love you Grandma.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More Moving, Playing, and Eating

Signe is becoming better and better at crawling and has taken a few cruising steps, holding on the couch. Freya is getting closer to crawling but is still fairly content to sit or lay and play. Kurt's theory is that her natural tendency to arch is keeping her back from crawling - because crawling requires a back position opposite of arching.

I had a crazy couple days at work and will continue that for a bit, so short post for now, but long on pictures!

Signe cruising

Signe hugging Ray when he was feeling bad. How nice.

Eating their first fries. Didn't really go in meaning to do it but it's a very good distraction for fussy (way after their bedtime) babies

First family dinner at home. Like, we all sat and all ate food. Yeah, 7 and a half months in. 

Signe was enjoying Baby Einstein on my laptop...getting some ab work in even if the tv watching is bad. 

Where's Freya?

There's Freya!

Where's Signe?

There's Signe!

Flowers for our anniversary, what a sweetie!

Drinking milk on the floor

Arching and drinking

Signe with her cool new beginners connector toy from Nana

Fighting over a block

Big bath!