Friday, July 29, 2011

19 Weeks - July 29

The one time in your life when your husband says "you're so big!" and you're ok with it

I've been feeling the guys move pretty much every day, a couple times a day. And the books say they are now or soon able to hear voices - so I started reading to them! I'm reading Les Mis aloud, a book I've always meant to read. I think it may last the entire pregnancy - reading a novel aloud takes a LOT longer  than reading to yourself, I've discovered.

Also, Kurt is SO EXCITED. He's been waiting for weeks, and he's finally got it: the magical week when there are two mangoes in my belly! He's also looking forward to eggplant I believe, which will be awhile yet.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

8 Week Ultrasound

I just realized I never posted the ultrasound. It's from only 8 weeks so we couldn't see much - only that there were two, and that their tiny hearts were beating. Also that they're in separate sacs so they're likely fraternal. We'll be getting the big 20-week ultrasound on August 12, where we'll (hopefully) learn the sexes!

17 weeks - July 17


We heard the twins' heartbeats again last Monday. One of them was in the 150s and one in the 130s - the old wives would have it that it's a boy and a girl! The doc said they are one on top of another right now. Glad she was still able to get both heartbeats. It's a very reassuring and amazing sound.

I've been feeling flutters more often (I think). I'm really excited to feel actual kicks so that I'm sure it's the babies, not gas :-P

I bought exactly 3 things at Cap Center today. 2 half-gallons of ice cream and a jar of pickles.  Walking stereotype right here.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I put together a blog for a couple of reasons: to share fun pictures of me as I'm expanding (I posted the ones I have up to now), keep anyone who is interested up-to-date, and to post information about the baby shower (because after thinking about it and in collaboration with my lovely sister-in-law Kerry, she'll be throwing a "thrifty" shower...more info on the Baby Shower page).

The good news currently is that I'm pretty much past the 24/7 nausea I had for 6 or 8 weeks. Yay! The bad news is I have some sort of nerve pain now starting in my hips and going down my thighs, making the exotic adventures of standing and walking painful. They think it might get better once the babies move a little further up and out. I got a (extremely attractive) pregnancy belt that might help, but is mostly for the back pain I will be facing sooner or later.

Let me finish out this post with something positive...I'm to the ravenous stage and get to eat pretty much whenever and whatever. And a quick shout-out to Kurt, who has been amazingly accommodating and helpful and will be an excellent daddy :-)

16 weeks (4 months!) - July 7

Outfit further modified

14 weeks - June 26

I clearly chose the wrong outfit to start in. Pretty much nothing in my normal wardrobe fits at this point...

11 weeks - June 6

Had to have a same outfit picture.

11 weeks - June 1

Couldn't believe I had a tummy already so sent a picture to Leah...

And Lily gets her turn photo-bombing!

About 5 weeks - April 19

i.e., bye bye stomach muscles, I hardly knew ye

And nice photo bomb, Ray!