Thursday, May 15, 2014

Leif 4 weeks; settling in

Leif is 4 weeks tomorrow, wow! He weighed in at 10lbs 2 oz today, almost 2 lbs above his birth weight. This despite me having mastitis 2 and a half weeks ago. We made it through that little crisis thanks to help from lots of awesome people. Things are still hard at times but I'm settling in to being a mom/corral-er of three under three. We've gone to the children's museum twice, been to the indoor playground at warner park a number of times, and made it to various appointments. Maybe I can do it after all!

I had a nice Mother's Day, we had a brunch at Jack and Carol's with one of my favorites, eggs benedict. 

I keep missing all the funny things the girls say. One good one last night - Signe was asking Kurt for a stuffed animal at bedtime. She asked him for her "rabbiteen bunnit". Yes, Velveteen Rabbit :-)

Happy Mother's Day from the what if I coached them the day before and told them to tell it to me in the morning ;-)

Changing baby's diaper in the twin nursing pillow (I used it while recovering from the mastitis/painful latch that caused it)

Getting so big and stretched out!

You never appreciate dandelions as much as when you have toddlers who spend tons of time picking them to make soup, pie, etc

Carrying Tiggy like Mama carries Leif :-) I need to make those some of those mini baby carriers for the girls!

More and more awake, alert time

What a great daddy :-)

Did not know this happened until I transferred the pictures from my camera to my computer

A series comparing him to baby Signe. Total resemblance.

1 comment:

  1. You guys sound like you are doing great! All the munchkins are SOO cute I can't even handle it!!! Loving these pics, keep em coming!!!!!! Love auntie Meg
