Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Part III and New Year's

Phew, this is the last of the pictures. Some more from Christmas Day, some from Haag Christmas, and as usual pictures of goofing around time. Lots of text and lots of pictures!

I haven't given actual updates on the babies here recently, what with being busy and having tons of pictures to sort through and such. Fun things of the moment: they both point all the time and want to know what things are, though we're often unsure what they're pointing at. "Uh, dresser? Window? Tree? Cat?"
They both "woof" when they hear a dog, see a dog or picture of a dog or other similar animal, and when we say dog or woof. They both woof by making the very last sound of the word. It's a hilarious scene: "dog" is triggered in their minds; then two babies suddenly get excited and say "ffffff" "fffff" "ffffff".
Freya is a bright ray of sunshine almost all the time and her language seems to have picked up quickly in the last month. It sounds like she speaks in sentences, of course we generally can't understand the words.
Signe has been struggling with her top front teeth coming through for about a month now. Can't believe they're not through yet. Freya might get her 5th and 6th teeth before she gets her 3rd and 4th.  Her hair has gotten long enough that we need to put it up in front every day or it is in her eyes. She has the cutest little ponytail, really a sprig. We call her Sprig-ne :-)
Both are getting a number of words we can identify. Bib, belly ("bwe"), a good number of others that happen in the moment but are hard to remember because it's not consistent now. Signe seemed to be saying Freya yesterday, I think it was "yaya." We haven't gotten to "no" yet, thankfully!
Speaking of belly, both enjoy pulling up their shirts and finding their bwes, and poking at their sister's and our bellies/belly buttons.
They are able to get up and down stairs well now, Freya really enjoys both and will do it any time stairs are available. They easily climb down from the couches and can get up on a couch using a box or your leg.
Ok that's enough for now :-) Onto pictures!

More sunglasses pictures...they don't get old

Look at the expression on Signe's face

Family stack

Both playing with the neat bath dolly Grandpa got for them

Freya loves her and is sad every time she's not allowed to take her from the bath

At the Children's Museum

"My Auntie is the Best" - Kerry's Christmas present

Also "Auntie Loves Me"


Hi dolly

Sitting on bongoes, playing with the noisemaker

Playing the bongo

Climbing. She looks so big here!!

Playing with Halley

If it's a box or any sort of box-like enclosure, Freya must be inside it

Chilling at Haag Christmas

All the Haag second cousins! I put up every picture I took because the interaction between them all and their changing expressions are priceless

Playing with Imani, both in their jammies for the ride home

Sharing a box

Sharing their new (old) potty chair from Nana

Sharing a love for the vacuum - it was going in these pictures, they weren't scared at all

Back Ergo for evening dinner-making/fussy time. The ball may not have been the right toy to give her


Love this

New Year's with Rebecca!

Doing Charlie's hair

He's not generally bored when the girls are around

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