Monday, January 28, 2013

Teeth and Animals

Signe FINALLY got her 3rd tooth on Saturday, and Freya got her 5th on Sunday (the one next to the middle top two). Really thought Freya was gonna "lap" Signe, not quite. Signe feels so much better now that's popped through, and even better hopefully when the other top tooth comes through.

It turns out both LOVE pigs. Signe especially and first but Freya too. We have a "baa baa black sheep" book which has a page about a pig. They love the book and the song, but when we get to the pig page, they're so excited and start oinking. But really oinking, copying me, I do a snort. It's so adorable. And they have piggy banks which they can see from the kitchen, every time they see those they oink too. Sometimes we'll bring them out to touch. Rapture.

Finally, Signe wore her first pair of 18-month pants the other day. She's really getting tall. They both are, and crafty, moving boxes and pillows around to stand on and get to stuff. As my twin mom friend Janna says, it's an arms race.

Aaaaand pictures! (lots of em, my new camera came with a memory card with 16 gigs instead of my previous 16 mgs...I'm not limited anymore, it's trouble)

Morning avocado

Pink pink

The Baa Baa book. I'm sad to see reading while not looking where you are going is apparently a genetic trait

A little corner relaxation time

All bundled up to go out for a stroller ride in the cold (tip: just slap one-size-bigger PJs over all the other clothes and you're golden to go outside)

I walk into the living room and see my mountain climber's ascent

For the prize of a paper!

Hugging Ray. Only time she hugs like this, and he tolerates it. Special pals.

Can't believe he tolerates it

Aunt Kerry has a nose!

Aunt Kerry playing

Shoulder rides. Freya is upset because she can see the penguin cup in the upper right of the picture and doesn't have it in her hands. She is in love with that penguin. Anyone know what sound a penguin makes?

Bowl head

Showing off my very own top sprig like the girls'





Happy girls

Reading with Papa

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Just Some Pictures

Well we got just a little outdoor playtime the past couple of days before the frigid cold descended. I have all indoor pictures this week taken with our new camera, thanks to Papa!

Some shots of Signe and Daddy

Goofball Signe

Our life in one picture

Got the yams, score!

Maybe my favorite expression every captured on Signe?

Inspecting an onion

Yeah looks good, think I'll bite it (she did bite into it, no tears or fussing at all. Yes another onion lover like her parents!)

Freya took her sweater half off during a nap

Just carrying around three orange rinds, a plastic baggie, and a friend. Normal day

Finally got a picture of her hugging!

Oh FOUR orange rinds, excuse me

And later two friends, a buddy, and a pom pom (ribbon still from their birthday)

The oven is very interesting