Tuesday, November 8, 2011

33.5 Weeks

After a couple weeks of complaining in my weekly posts, just had to do a mid-week update because I'm so happy.

First thanks so much to Kelly and Cathy for making and bringing us dinner on Saturday - it really helped lift my spirits, not least because of it being so delicious. And the leftovers are still going!

And we had our (possibly final?) growth ultrasound today. Baby A is 5lbs 5 oz, Baby B is 5lbs 7 oz!!! Nearly 11 pounds of baby. So happy!!! That's 54th and 58th percentile. Relatively bigger every month. Baby B in particular has been growing awesomely - she was 42nd percentile two months ago. And she caught up and passed A! It's worth any amount of stress on my body to see them getting so big.

AND both are still head-down. They're very low now. We saw each of them practicing breathing. Cute!

Everyone I talk to thinks there isn't much time left. So exciting! Can't wait to meet them and for you lovely blog readers to meet them :-)


  1. Yay! I was really happy to hear about your awesome growth ultrasound! Way to grow some big babies :)
