Friday, November 25, 2011

36 Weeks

Me at 36 weeks

Twins at 36 weeks

We've made it to the magical 36 weeks! The week lots of twin moms tell me they went, the week some consider to be term for twins, and the week that I measure 50 weeks (!). (Sidenote, also the week that is of course mathematically 9 months but is a month away from the due date. You grow up thinking pregnancy is 9 months, then you get pregnant and realize it's actually counted as 40 weeks. Pregnancy pet peeve).

In terms of possible (triple) sharing of birthdays, it's a nearly 50% chance this week. Today is my cousin Sara's birthday, tomorrow is my aunt-in-law Rita's birthday, and Thursday is my friend Kelly's birthday. (Hopefully I'm not missing anyone!)

This past week was full of visits from lovely people we probably won't see again until after the babies are here. And they brought food and did dishes, thank you thank you! My cousin Dan stopped by while in from California, Cathy and Mike brought food AGAIN, WOW, Tenley hung out while she was in from Nevada and brought me Pasquals, yum, we got to see Marie and Danny and Henrietta, and got to see my relatives for Thanksgiving. Particularly nice that Alex and Ryan could make the trip from California.

Thank you to everyone who has helped in ways big and small, even just keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We really appreciate it.

I'll update the blog if there is news before next Friday... (please be news before next Friday :-D)

**Also I updated the little video of my belly pics so it goes to this week, Belly Slideshow**

Friday, November 18, 2011

35 Weeks

I bought a new (used) dress that actually fits me! It may be maternity size XXL, but hey, it works. Doc measured me at 47 weeks, so my belly hasn't grown much. That's not to say I haven't gained weight through ridiculous water retention. Preeettty excited to sweat/etc. it all off.

At my appointment on Wed my blood pressure was a bit elevated, which is a possible indication of preeclampsia. Got it checked again today, and it's normal again. Yay!

Indications are definitely looking like labor is not far away. The babies have dropped lower. My SPD has seemed to actually get a bit better, which seems funny for all that weight going further into my hips. But also I stopped driving because my tummy was rubbing against the steering wheel - uncomfortable and nerve-wracking. Since I can't walk much and can't drive anywhere on my own, I think I'm not exacerbating it as much. I don't have to use crutches anymore which is awesome. The looks I got in public, oh my.

Cathy and Mike Perry again made our weekend by making/bringing over a whole heap of food. Wow I'm so thankful.

And yesterday was my 28th birthday! It was rocking, let me tell you. But in truth it was really really nice. Kurt went to Greenbush Donuts at 5:45am and got me an apple fritter. THAT'S love. And made me fruit parfait, one of my favorites, and got me lovely flowers. Love my sweetie! His work also had a little baby shower/potluck for us. It just happened to be on my birthday. His co-worker Emily, the sweetest person ever, came over to drive me there and gave me a mani-pedi so I could feel a little pretty on my bday! So nice!

After going to that and eating lots of delicious food, meeting people, and catching up with people I knew already, I came home and slept for 3 hours. Yeah it doesn't take much to tire me out.

And then we were going to go out to eat, a nice last hurrah before taking a lengthy break from restaurants...but I was too pooped. So we ordered Indian. Yummm. No, I didn't get it super spicy, the doc wants me to go another week at least :-)

Birthday breakfast

Dinner/remains of breakfast

Saturday, November 12, 2011

34 Weeks

Me in my pre-pregnancy PJs, which miraculously still fit (ish). 

Well I gave you all the news of the week in my mid-week post. Here you get the requisite picture (done showing this tummy of mine without cover...) and also I put together a snapshot of people's predictions in the baby pool. I'm proud that we've already passed the lightest-weight predictions! (Sorry those who guessed low). 

Only other news - swelling. Of my feet especially. Wow. If I wasn't a bit hesitant to post a picture of my giant feet on the internet for all to see, I would share.They're actually fascinating, how big they get when I sit for awhile. Quite literally as big as they puffed when I've sprained my ankle. Pregnancy!

Baby Pool Predictions

Earliest DOB: 11/24/11 (specifically, in the middle of the Packers-Lions game)
Latest DOB: 12/24/11
Average: 12/5/11

Lightest Weight, Twin A: 4lbs, 6oz (Twin B 4lbs, 1oz)
Heaviest Weight, Twin A: 7lbs, 9oz (Twin B 7 lbs, 5oz)
Average, Twin A: 5lbs, 13 oz

Twin A hair style: 8 votes full head of hair, 7 peach fuzz
Twin A hair color: 2 blonde, 9 brown, 3 dark brown, 1 black
Twin B hair style: 7 votes full head of hair, 6 peach fuzz, 2 comb-over
Twin B hair color: 4 blonde, 1 light brown, 8 brown, 1 dark brown, 1 black

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

33.5 Weeks

After a couple weeks of complaining in my weekly posts, just had to do a mid-week update because I'm so happy.

First thanks so much to Kelly and Cathy for making and bringing us dinner on Saturday - it really helped lift my spirits, not least because of it being so delicious. And the leftovers are still going!

And we had our (possibly final?) growth ultrasound today. Baby A is 5lbs 5 oz, Baby B is 5lbs 7 oz!!! Nearly 11 pounds of baby. So happy!!! That's 54th and 58th percentile. Relatively bigger every month. Baby B in particular has been growing awesomely - she was 42nd percentile two months ago. And she caught up and passed A! It's worth any amount of stress on my body to see them getting so big.

AND both are still head-down. They're very low now. We saw each of them practicing breathing. Cute!

Everyone I talk to thinks there isn't much time left. So exciting! Can't wait to meet them and for you lovely blog readers to meet them :-)

Friday, November 4, 2011

33 Weeks

Measuring 46 weeks

On crutches

All I've got to say is, if anyone has an urge to come over here and make me a sandwich, or you know, do everything, by all means.

(I was speculating to Kurt that maybe pregnancy gets so hard towards the end to make you super excited for your baby and not even be scared about all the poop and lack of sleep anymore. And maybe twin pregnancy is that much worse because, well, double poop. At this point I vacillate minute by minute between PLEASE BE HERE BABIES and NOT YET A FEW MORE WEEKS YOU GUYS NO SELFISHNESS FROM MOMMY SIGH).