Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Leif 2 months; tea party

Stats from our doctor's visit today:

Weight 11lbs 13oz - 38th percentile
Height 23.5 in - 75th percentile
Healthy all around!

We continue to settle into a routine, with good days and bad. More like good hours or minutes and bad. Getting enough attention to everyone is of course a struggle but we do our best. Lots of fun and lots of drama - life with two toddlers and a newborn.

 A rousing game of Cooties

 Little bit of World Cup

 Tea party! One must wear a hat to a tea party I told them

 Selfies are not my forte.

 Just nursing, NBD

 They love that shopping cart, and bonus, neither can drive it by herself in the grass so they have to work together

 Tea party cleaned mom! Just put the ceramic stuff on the rocking horse and covered it with a napkin, obviously. (it was probably Freya's doing actually)

 Helping give Leif a bath. Are they really interested in his private part that happens to differ from their own, and point it out every time they see it? Yes.

 This bouncy chair is basically never empty. If it's not a real baby, it's a stuffie, and if not that...

 Signe was showing him her toys and telling him about them. Here's my snips, she meows...

 Here's my ducky she quacks

 Here's my ratty she goes ratty. (It's a bat named batty...)

 Then I asked her to read to him. She did a pretty good job

 Helping make granola. And later stealing some every time I turned my back.

 Found his fist

And we'll end with a contemplative dinosaur on a crayon-marked window. Toddlers

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Leif 8 weeks; Activities

Quick post to get pics up!

 Painting adventure. Finally feeling up to doing activities that require preparation and clean up. The girls I think appreciate them?

 A bit skeptical about his bath

 Don't worry Leif you can be part of the tea party

 Love when babies get "stuck" in a grump position asleep

 The girls call our books "Susie books". Because Susie likes to read in Calvin and Hobbes. Signe "reading" one of my and Kurt's favorite books, the Name of the Wind (highly recommended!)

Nice new sundresses from Aunt Kris. Put on within 10 seconds of being given ;-)
 Don't Break the Ice. Devolved into general hammer smashing, obviously


 Baby's first face stickers. Perfect expression.

 After his bath. Look at that hair go!

Another capitol "A" activity, from the internet and everything. Cream of wheat indoor sand play. About 30 min until it devolved. Not bad, internet.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Leif 7 weeks; Girls potty training progress

Can't wait until our next doctor appointment in a couple weeks where Leif gets weighed again - he seems so big!

The girls are starting to go diaperless when we're out and about. A little scary but exciting! We went to indoor playground today with neither in diapers. No accidents, both peed in the big potty. Yessss.

Freya had an appointment with her allergy/asthma doc yesterday. Her peanut allergy has gone down about 10 units on a roughly 0-100 unit scale. No I don't really understand the units but doc says it's good news! Would be so great if she outgrew that. Mmmm peanut butter desserts again...

 Taking a break from playing because...

 Skinned knee (deserved a band aid, very exciting for her)

 Summer is for owies

 You see kids in ridiculous outfits before you have toddlers and you think, what in the world. Then you have toddlers yourself...

 Can't help myself, a whole series of my sweet Leif

 We were playing stick-out-the-tongue

Picnic with Charlie, i.e., Signe and the twins