Friday, February 28, 2014

More indoor fun; baby brother 33 weeks

Baby brother is doing great. Moving like a crazy person. I am actually feeling pretty good! Obviously slowed way down, but my pelvis is doing pretty well. I've been careful to wear my brace almost all the time, I'm doing my gentle swim class once a week, and chiro every other week. Oh also, I'm not carrying twins :-) Looking forward to meeting him - my guess is only 4 weeks or so until the big day!

I've been doing the nesting thing, one clue it isn't much longer. Two days ago I cleaned out two cabinets in the kitchen from top to bottom. Yesterday I created an "art studio" in the living room for the girls (really just moved some furniture around, put their art stuff there, and taped down an old tablecloth).

The girls are great, well, we're all stir-crazy along with everyone else in, I guess most of the country east of the Rockies. Signe has been cracking us up lately because she calls me, Kurt, and Freya "honey". Particularly when she wants something. "Honey, I want cream of wheat" "I want to sit on your lap honey" It sounds SO FUNNY coming back at you.

 Same cuddle, including same sweatshirt, he used on newborn Signe :-)

 Signe REALLY wanted to see the hail and rain, so I let her stand on the porch with the door open a crack

 31 weeks or so

 They are pretty much goofballs

 Daddy cuddles are the best

 Daddy's one-weekend mustache. The girls are very happy he shaved his beard and mustache. It's been weeks but they still talk about how they didn't like it and are glad he shaved it off. It was scratchy you see.

 With their towers. This was one of MANY pictures that came about by request "mama take a picture"

 The high-waisted look

 Signe doing Kerry's hair, Imani fixing her wardrobe

 The pictures uploaded out of order and I don't have time/patience to re-order them. This is a bunch of pictures of when the Wilson's (Alanah, Imani, and Montego) came to visit. The closet was a popular hiding spot. Not sure if all 5 kids ever got in it at once but it was close.

 Tech conference

 Kerry reading to all the girls. She's pretty talented.

 Out-of-order "calm burritos". Kurt came up with it, it's a great solution for crazy toddlers.

 Ok another sign of my laziness, just noticed now Freya digging for treasures in this picture. But everything else is so cute! I refuse to take it down. Imani was the one who started Signe on the hair-doing.

 Alanah reading stories to Signe and Freya on top of the couch

 Dinner time with 5 kiddos

 Silly face time. Mostly Alanah making a silly face and everyone looking at her. And then there's Tego :-)

 Kerry cuddles

 All the play dough came out in one piece, thankfully

 They enjoyed the BBQ sauce. Also, drawing on themselves.

 Their new "art studio"

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Playdough; 30 weeks with Little Brother

I need to keep a notebook with me. The girls are always doing or saying things that I want to mention on the blog, and I never remember them when it comes time to blog.

One thing: the girls have really "gotten" the camera and videocamera. They will ask for a pictures "take a picture of me mama". Then they immediately ask to "see it". I actually have to be really careful now to not interrupt their play, because if they see me with either camera, they will stop whatever they're doing and demand to see the picture/video.

Well I'm sitting here at 30 weeks and feeling ok. As I told Kurt, this is the last month where we can pretty much count on baby not making his appearance (knock on wood!). My SPD comes and goes, I just try to rest as much as I can when it's bad and it eventually passes. I'm starting a Gentle Water Moves MSCR class tonight, in the warm pool at Lapham Elementary - mostly meant for older folks but sounds like it'll be perfect for me too. I also went to the chiropractor last week. I saw her last pregnancy, and like last time, she says there's not much to be done about the pelvis, she can just adjust my middle/upper back/neck and see if that sort of loosens things up. Feels good anyway, I have typical pregnancy back pain along with the pelvis stuff, so I'll go every other week or so.

We're so happy - Kurt's parents bought a condo a couple blocks away from our (their) place. First, it means we can keep staying here for awhile. And second, the girls get to be so close to Nana and Papa they could walk/bike there when they are older. Also third, the condo complex has a pool! Although it's carefully regulated to keep out kids as much as possible with restrictive hours and limits on how many people per condo can be in the pool area. But hey, a bit of pool time is better than none!

 Signe Zombie

Feeding Piglet and other friends from our pantry
 Hiding is a favorite game these days

 After-bath horsey fun

 Playing tic-tac-toe with Daddy

 Found a great recipe for homemade play dough ( They like it SO much more than the store-bought play dough. This is much "squishier"

 Doing yoga with Daddy

Riding off into the sunset together

 Freya is always jumping

 Finding Daddy under the blanket!

 Emerging from her fort

 Cuddling in front of the register

This just encapsulates Freya - running, naked, one boot on one flip flop on, hair akimbo, holding her owl